Thursday, May 8, 2008

What we will define in Struts-config.xml file.

The main control file in the Struts framework is the struts-config.xml XML file, where action mappings are specified. This file's structure is described by the struts-config DTD file, which is defined at A copy of the DTD can be found on the /docs/dtds subdirectory of the framework's installation root directory. The top-level element is struts-config. Basically, it consists of the following elements:

data-sources—A set of data-source elements, describing parameters needed to instantiate JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension DataSource objects

form-beans—A set of form-bean elements that describe the form beans that this application uses

global-forwards—A set of forward elements describing general available forward URIs

action-mappings—A set of action elements describing a request-to-action mapping

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